I love make up, but as you know it can be tiresome finding shades that sit well and show up on black skin. The make up i use now has served me well. I have pretty much mastered the foundation base so over the next couple of weeks i will be venturing out to add some new colour palattes for eyes and lips..
This is my current make up selection.
Foundation -
1. For everyday natural look i use MAC Studio Fix Fluid NW45 i apply it with a MAC 187 brush to get a good coverage. The brush is a worthy investment.
2. In summer i use L'Oreal Ideal Balance Mocha - it is designed for combination skin so in the summer when the oil glands are more active i use this. It is a lightwieght foundation with good colour match. I apply it with a cosmetic sponge
3. Evenings for a heavy flawless finish which stays in place Black Up Stick Foundtion ST04.Black up is a great brand despite the name and the colour palattes are very similar to MAC. The foundation is great i apply it with fingers or a sponge. Sometimes i use it as a concealer.
1. Yves Saint Laurent Volume Effect i have used this for two years and it never fails, u do have to wash the bruch often to get the full effect. I use one or two coats and it really opens up your eyes. Because i wear contact lenses i am prone to irritation from mascaras but this one never causes any problems
1. Rimmel Wet & Dry Soft Kohl - gives a strong thick black line and more dramatic when wet
1. Barry M Dazzle Dust 23- this aren't as dazzling as they would appear but they do produce a nice finish on the eyes which can be worn in the days. I use the gold on the brow line and alternate colours.
2.MAC Charcoal eyeshadow
1. MAC Lip Glass in Shock-A- Latte with MAC lip liner Chestnut
2. Black Up Gloss with Black Lip pencil

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