I recently went to stay with my family in New York when i stumbled across this cream in my cousin's room. At first i thought it was just the shape and design of the label that was different from the Cocoa Butter that is stocked here in the UK. But then i looked closely, no this was Cocoa Butter for "
Dry ASHY SKIN". I was and still am almost a month later in shock that this product is both stocked and bought by black americans.
So i looked again at the ingredients and i can tell you that this item can be bought in the UK, but here it is called Cocoa Butter
SKIN SMOOTHING LOTION. The same shea butter and aha's, please tell me i am not the only one disturbed by this product label....
As i don't have ashy skin, i didn't use it so i can't tell u whether or not it is a good product...

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